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Intercultural Reflection on Teaching’ (IntRef) Conference

7. Juli 2021 – 8. Juli 2021 – Zoom conference

Das Tagungsteam des Erasmus+ geförderten Projekts IntRef (Durham University, UK, Goethe-University Frankfurt, GER, University of Padova, IT) lädt ein zur digitalen ‘Intercultural Reflection on Teaching’ (IntRef) Conference’ am 7.-8.7. 2021. Die Tagung bietet eine Austauschplattform für Hochschuldidaktiker*innen, sowie interessierten Forschende und Praktiker*innen über innovative Formate zur interkulturellen Reflexion von Lehre an.

You are warmly invited to the ‘Intercultural Reflection on Teaching’ (IntRef) Conference’ to be held on 7-8 July 2021, online on Zoom.  It will provide an interactive platform for academic developers and anybody else with an interest in reflection on teaching and intercultural approaches, practitioner and researchers alike, to share and discuss innovative approaches to developing reflective practice in higher education.  The conference will comprise keynotes on reflection and collaboration by internationally renowned scholars Professors Carolin Kreber and Kay Sambell, informal roundtable contributions and opportunities for networking. The conference has been organised by the Erasmus+ funded IntRef project team who will be sharing project resources and research and initiate an ongoing intercultural community of reflective practice.

You are invited to contribute a roundtable that can focus on:

  • Methods for reflection on teaching
  • Technology-enhanced reflection on teaching, with a particular focus on video
  • Dialogic and collaborative reflection
  • Peer observation of teaching
  • Intercultural approaches to educational development

Roundtables can be either practice or research-focused, i.e. you can present on your experience in one of the areas listed above or on a research or enhancement project with associated empirical data.  The aim of the roundtable format is to foster the exchange of ideas and materials and to encourage networking and learning from each other.

The Call for Expression of Interest and Registration is now open. If you are interested in contributing, please let us know by 14 May 2021.  If you need any further information, please write to us at

We are looking forward to receiving your submissions and to seeing you at the conference on 7-8 July 2021.

Best regards,

The IntRef Team


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